Vessel maximum capacity is capped at twelve (12) passengers. All passengers aboard the vessel shall belong to a social bubble, unless travelling alone. Passengers that do not belong to a social bubble are required to maintain a safe social distance from other guests and crew for the duration of the tour.
A passenger manifest will be maintained for contact tracing if required. Reservation holders will be requested to provide the names of everyone within their respective booking.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available for public use. Customers and staff should be encouraged to use them prior to boarding and exiting the vessel.
Signage will be posted on board reminding guests and staff to:
stay two metres apart.
leave the premises if they are symptomatic.
practice proper hygiene (wash hands, cover coughs and sneezes).
Notify a crew member immediately if at any time they are feeling sick or nauseous. Affected guest(s) will be escorted immediately to an isolated area on the vessel and provided with seasickness bag. Any guest(s) experiencing seasickness will be monitored for the duration of the tour by a crew member designated.
In the event of seasickness requiring assistance from the crew:
Crew member to don gloves and mask.
Disposable paper towels to be used to clean up affected area to be discarded in waste receptacle.
Soiled area to be disinfected immediately after the infirm passenger has been attended to stabilized
Affected area to remain off limits to all other passengers and crew till fully sanitized and disinfected